GIC HIMSS 2021 - 2022 Board Election Results


The Greater Illinois Chapter of HIMSS is pleased to announce the results of the 2021 – 2022 Board of Directors election. Congratulations to all the newly elected board members! We look forward to working with you to deliver quality educational programs and networking opportunities in the upcoming year. *Incumbent Directors are included and noted

President Melissa Breth

President-Elect Nicholas Del Priore

Immediate Past President Lisa Janeway

Secretary Marty Madera

Treasurer Bob Mifajt

Educational Programs Director Keis Kostaqi

Educational Programs Director Cece Lowry

Communications Director Nishat Shaikh

Communications Director Shannon Truly

Sponsorship Director Brad Wittenberg

Sponsorship Director Lisa Kahle

Membership Director LaQuita Zheng

Professional Development Director Chad Carroll

Member At Large - Advocacy Lauren Wiseman

Member At Large – Communications Tony Black

Member At Large – Educational Programs Rafael Ramirez

Member At Large – Sponsorship Dan Shih

Member At Large – Special Projects Imran Khan

Member At Large – Student Liaison Laura Vega

Member At Large – Generalist Terry Karapas

We want to thank all the nominees for their willingness to get more involved in GIC HIMSS. For those that submitted volunteer applications, you will be contacted by the appropriate Director shortly. We look forward to the next year for great programs, networking events, and educational opportunities!

The GIC HIMSS Board of Directors are grateful to all our outgoing Board Members who have given their time, expertise, and insights for our Members. Without their leadership, our Chapter would not be the largest and most active in the nation. Don’t worry, we won’t let them fully disappear…

Farewell to:

· Kelly Carlson

· Angela Maris

· Charlie Hart

· Chris Sullivan

· Rizwan Khan

· Winny Chiu

Meet the new board members -click here for more information. 

President-Elect:  The President-Elect assists the President in conducting the business affairs and activities of the chapter through special assignments and duties delegated at the direction of the President and/or the Board. He/she acts in the President’s absence in chapter relationships with other related professional societies. The President-Elect assumes the office of the President upon conclusion of the one-year term as President-Elect.

Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall assist the President in the future development and direction of the Chapter and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board. Maintains all financial records and manage all cash and bank accounts of the Chapter. Prepares regular reports on the Chapter’s financial position for the Board.  Prepares and monitors the Chapter budget. Prepares and submits all necessary income reports to the State and the IRS.

Secretary: Maintains all Chapter records including minutes of Board meetings. With the Past-President, conducts the annual election including preparing election ballots and reporting the election results to the President.

Membership Director: Works to communicate and strengthen ties with our members. Activities may include but are not limited to surveys, chapter membership applications and outreach to other HIT groups. Key goals include Organizational Affiliate outreach, membership retention, and enhancing the membership experience as well routine reporting on membership activity.

Educational Programs Director: Plans and implements the Chapter’s educational activities. The Education Program Chair shall chair the Education Committee and propose a plan for the coming year’s programs and other educational activities.

Communications Director: Responsible for the preparation and distribution of all Chapter publications, including a Chapter newsletter that shall be published on at least a semi-annual basis. Maintains the content of the Chapter website, communicating Chapter business to other individuals and groups, and promotes the Chapter in professional journals and with other professional groups.

Sponsorship Director: The Sponsorship Chair shall be responsible for managing the Chapter’s Sponsorship Program, including soliciting sponsors supportive of the Chapter’s mission and ensuring that sponsorship dollars are used to meet the Chapter’s goals and objectives. The Sponsorship Chair shall also work closely with the sponsors to ensure that the chapter is meeting their expectations as a sponsor.

Professional Development Director: Responsible for activities related to scholarship awards – including promoting the Chapter’s scholarships to prospective students and leading the evaluation team to review and score the scholarship applications. In addition, the Professional Development Chair is responsible for student outreach, advancement of members (e.g., Senior, Fellowship, CPHIMS), providing resources for students and career changers, and facilitating the annual professional development event.


Advocacy Director:  Attends monthly HIMSS Chapter Advocacy Roundtable calls and reports back to the Board. The Advocacy Director facilitates legislative outreach on behalf of the Chapter and its members and encourages interaction at the local, state and federal levels regarding health care technology initiatives. The Advocacy Director prepares articles for the chapter newsletter on Advocacy activities in Illinois and nationally.

Members At Large

Member At Large – Communications:  Works with the Communication Chairs and Communications Committee on newsletters, promoting GIC HIMSS events and other GIC HIMSS communications services to our members.

Member At Large – Educational Programs: Works with the Educational Program Chairs on chapter related education programs and webinars.

Member At Large – Sponsorship: Works with the Sponsorship Chairs and Committee in managing the Chapter’s Sponsorship Program, including soliciting sponsors supportive of the Chapter’s mission and ensuring that sponsorship dollars are used to meet the Chapter’s goals and objectives.

Member At Large – Special Projects: This role will focus on projects and processes requiring previous Board insight including endeavors such as Organizational Affiliate outreach and external organizational partnerships.

Member At Large – Generalist: Works with Professional Development, Membership and Advocacy Committees as needed and is assigned special projects as designated by the Board.