2019-2020 Call for Board Nominations

2019-2020 Call for Board Nominations

Dear Bluegrass Kentucky HIMSS Member,

We hope to see you at our social event in Lexington at Drake’s Lansdowne next Thursday (5/16). It is a great opportunity to connect and meet your fellow HIMSS members before the busyness of the summer gets underway.

Pursuant to our Chapter By-Laws, we have annual nominations and elections for open board member positions. I want to personally thank our current Chapter President, Scott Klink, for his leadership this past year. Focused on continuing the momentum of previous years, Scott has worked non-stop to help ensure the Chapter’s success. As the incoming Chapter President effective July 1st, I plan to build on the achievements our chapter has experienced this past year and look to expand our outreach across the state. Having the pleasure of serving on the Chapter Board for the last couple of years, I am looking forward to this challenging new role and the outcomes of what our new board can achieve.

While we have an active board, each year we have several positions needing volunteers within our membership to help further the mission of HIMSS in Kentucky. The following positions are officially open for nomination and elections should multiple nominees be placed for the same position:

  • President-Elect (will serve as President, July 2020 – June 2021)
  • Secretary
  • Events, Chair-Elect
  • Clinical Informatics, Chair-Elect
  • Vendor Relations & Sponsorship, Chair-Elect
  • Communications, Chair
  • Communications, Chair-Elect
  • Members at Large

If you would like to be considered for one of the elected board positions, please email Stephanie Hojan, President-Elect, at stephanie.hojan@hsi-corp.com or contact an existing Board Member.

To be eligible to hold a board position, HIMSS By-Laws require an individual must be a member in good standing of both HIMSS and the state chapter for a period of at least one (1) year.

All nominations for 2019-2020 board positions will be open until midnight next Friday - May 17th. If you are interested in participating and have questions or need clarification, please drop me an email.

I want to thank all former and current board members for all their hard work over the years. Hopefully you will be a future board member and continue our HIMSS mission to the nearly 1,000 members across the Commonwealth of Kentucky!



Stephanie Hojan

President-Elect, Bluegrass HIMSS, Kentucky Chapter
